News: Lees Trophy - The Epitaph...
Flt Lt J B Hitchen RAF VR(T)OC 1224 Squadron
Of course, the award, would not be based on one nights showing, but a good show on the night would certainly be a must if we were to impress at all. Work had started on the squadron two months earlier, when it was learnt that 1224 had become the South and West Yorkshire Wings nomination. In fact, not just the two months prior, but it was what we had done, and how we did it in the previous 12 months that clinched the nomination. With the Wing award made, the squadron led by WO Wood, and a weekly army of just about every squadron cadet, made a 150% effort, to make the award come to Wharfedale, for the first time in its history. I don’t mean that 40 + cadets went round with a duster, polish and brush every weekend. Hours and hours of hard graft ensued, with mounds of earth being flattened, tons of gravel delivered and spread around the grounds, stone walkways laid, turf laid, weeds removed, external/internal walls cleaned, floors scrubbed and polished, notice boards re-vamped, planed and varnished, holes filled in and painted, every foot print removed from the floors and walls, notices reprinted, door room plates customised to the squadron logo, and more. Then the cadets dusted, polished, brushed and vacuumed around. The band practised until they had a near perfect repertoire, the squadron drilled and drilled for a parade that would see us either fail, flounder or seriously impress. Everything went well, until the day, when the one factor that could let us down totally out of our control, would let us down, and did, big time....... The weather. torrential rain, icy cold winds and snow in the hills was not what we had requested!. However, plan B was introduced and the night went ahead, better than planned, and to everyone’s expectations was a great event, with what felt like a near perfect inspection. The high standards that are required by the Lees inspection team, saw us fail to win the Regional nomination., but not through any fault on our part. We put up an incredible effort, and my sincerest thanks go out to WO Wood and all the cadets for their time and energy spent in the weeks running up to it. I would like to express my thanks also to all the staff for their efforts on the night, especially Flt Lt Mark Brittain, for changing roles at the last minute due to a personal problem I had to deal with. Thanks also to Mr. Houliston, Mrs. Pucknell and Mrs. Wrigglesworth who had a part to play in the inspection, and to all of the committee and parents who turned out on such an awful evening weatherwise. For a first attempt, we did exceptionally well, words that are expressed by the Regional Commandant. We shall endeavour to improve on it, should we be fortunate to get the nomination for a second year. My best wishes go to 391(Wilmslow) Sqn in Cheshire who gained the North Regions nomination. If it couldn’t go to a Yorkshire squadron, then let’s hope the trophy is eventually awarded to a North Region one. Finally, I think the line from a recent E mail I received from Corporal Dave Proctor on hearing of our disappointing news says it all, I quote “ you don’t need some fancy piece of silverware to say what a good squadron you are” I rest my case... 05/00